Does The 1952 Hypnotism Act Apply to Street Hypnosis in England? – Is Street & Stage Hypnosis Illegal? – How Can I Perform 100% Legally, Lawfully, Ethically, SAFELY & in an INSURED manner Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere Even in Towns, Cities and Countries Where “Hypnosis” is Apparently Banned and ILLEGAL? Jonathan Royle & Friends Reveal All in The Transparency Template Home Study Course.


Well let me point out straight away that I have nothing against Street Hypnosis or Stage Hypnosis just so long that it is performed in a manner which is 100% Legal, Lawful, Licensed (where that’s the only legal and lawful option), Insured, Risk Assessments are in place and things are done in  A SAFE & ETHICAL MANNER…

The same applies to those people teaching Street & Stage Hypnosis, I have nothing personal against them as human beings (or the individuals they teach) and indeed never have have held anything personal against them.. 

However I cannot abide people who are training and/or doing Street or Stage Hypnosis in any manner that is not fully legal, lawful, Ethical, Insured and above all else SAFE… 

Sadly there is way to much complacency occurring amongst Street & Stage Hypnotists (and those training them) The Transparency Template Home Study Course aims to set the record straight on everything and make the industry a far SAFER one to work or play within…

THE TRANSPARENCY TEMPLATE – Jonathan Royle & Friends..

The Transparency Template is a Five Disk DVD Package containing well over 12 hours of video training and much more besides as is detailed at – 

The promo video for the package being – 

In a nutshell whether you’re a Street or Stage Hypnotist and wherever you may be located anywhere in the World and indeed whatever level of prior experience you have, we can guarantee that your Entertainment Hypnosis Education will never be complete until you have studied “The Transparency Template” Home Study Package.

It is the only package available anywhere in the world from anybody that covers in such comprehensive depth all of the Legal, Licensing, Legislation, Insurance, Risk Assessment and Safety Issues faced by both the Street and Stage Hypnotist….

GUARANTEED – This is the only Home Study Package that will teach you exactly (wherever you are located in the World) exactly how to perform Street or Stage Hypnosis (or even to combine Hypnosis with your Magic and Mentalism) in a manner which:

*Will allow you to perform Legally, Lawfully, Ethically and Safely Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere without ever needing to apply for a License and whilst being fully insured in all manners at all times and also with correct Risk Assessments and Safety precautions in place…

*These techniques will also allow you to perform both Stage Hypnosis shows and also Street Hypnosis anytime, anyplace, anywhere in the World even in Towns, Cities and States (and Countries) where they expressly state that Entertainment Hypnosis is BANNED & ILLEGAL…

A Full List of what these amazing DVD’s teach can be found here:

Order now by sending £79-95 to or contacting me at

For those doubting Thomas’s who seem to think this is not an issue for them (which sadly most UK Street Hypnotists seem to think there are no laws applying to them) then look at the few random examples below from the 100’s that I have on file which prove that STREET HYPNOSIS (just like Stage Hypnosis) is indeed covered by the 1952 Hypnotism Act.

Here’s What U.K Councils and there Legal Licensing Departments have to say about Street Hypnotism and whether they’d grant a License for it under the 1952 Hypnotism Act – These are just 44 Randomly Selected Councils out of the 450+ I contacted… (many more replies on file also And All The Replies IN their Full Detailed Format Are Included As Part of The Transparency Package)

Aberdeen City Council (Scotland) Said:

“As Yet We Have not dealt with any requests for Street Hypnotism, nor are We aware of any such incidents having occurred in Aberdeenshire. I can confirm that it would be our position that such performances would also require permission under the 1952 Hypnotism Act”

Allerdale Council Said:

“Allerdale Borough Council would consider any application for exhibition, demonstration or performance of Hypnotism on its own merits including those for Street Hypnotism”

Ambervalley Council Said:

“The Council has to treat each application, including those for Street Hypnosis under the 1952 Hypnotism Act on its own merits and full details of the application would need to be ascertained before a final decision is made.”

Angus Council Said:

“With regard to the location of exhibitions, demonstrations or performances of hypnotism, Angus Council has no policy limiting the places where such demonstrations may take place. However being required to consider each application on its merits, the proposed location would be given consideration by the Council in determining applications before them. This would include applications in relation to premises with an alcohol licence, or streets.”

Ayelesbury Vale Council Said:

“Recalling the standards required for the few performances we have authorised, my intuition is that a ‘random’ street performance would not be appropriate.”

Bristol Council Said:

“I am a licensing co-ordinator with Bristol City Council. We were recently approached by an individual enquiring as to whether he needed a licence to hold hypnotism on the street. He was firmly advised that we would not grant permission for any open air demonstration or performance of hypnotism for the very reasons you have referred to. Lack of control over who may be affected, influences not being properly removed from subjects, lack of insurance cover, etc, etc. Currently in Bristol we would not countenance issuing a permission of hypnotism in the street”

Barking & Dagenham Council Said:

“We would refuse permission for Street Hypnosis under the 1952 Hypnotism Act and consider enforcement action”

Barrow Council Said:

  1. “We would refuse to grant permission for Street Hypnosis under the 1952 Hypnotism Act”Boston Council Said:

    “Yes, no person shall give an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism unless the Local Authority has authorised the activity.  The Hypnotism Act 1952 does not define “any place” beyond it being a place to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise, and therefore this could include a place which is outdoors.  Under the Licensing Act 2003 ‘any place’ includes places outdoors.”

Brent Council Said:

“The chances of us granting a licence for Street Hypnosis is highly unlikely and we would look to prosecute those who did not have such a license”

Broxtowe Council Said:

“It is unlikely that such performances by street hypnotists would comply with current conditions so permission would not be granted”

Calderdale Council Said:

“Any application, including those for Street Hypnosis would be considered and granted or refused in accordance with the 1952 Hypnotism Act and health and safety considerations”

Canterbury Council Said:

“We would not grant permission for Street Hypnosis”

Doncaster Council Said:

“Permission would be granted for Street Hypnosis”

Dover Council Said:

“Whilst each application must be considered on its individual merits I feel it is unlikely that any performance of street hypnotism would be permitted as it would be difficult to comply with the requirement that the performer is on hand for 30 minutes after the performance to resolve any issues that arise with the subjects being hypnotised.”

East Herts Council Said:

“It is unlikely that we would grant permission under the 1952 Hypnotism Act for Street Hypnosis to take place.  It would be for them to demonstrate to us by way of risk assessments etc that there was no risk to public safety.”

Enfield Council Said:

The Hypnotism Act 1952 provides that “no person shall give an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism on any living person at or in connection with an entertainment to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise, at any place in relation to which [a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003] is not in force unless the controlling authority have authorised that exhibition, demonstration or performance.” Any person wishing to give hypnotism in unlicensed places would require an authorisation from the Council, as licensing authority. The fee to apply for an authorisation is £100. The Council considers all applications (including those for street Hypnosis) on their own merits.”

Fareham Council Said:

“For the same reasons that hypnotism is not permitted as an entertainment in any of the licensed premises, it would also not be permitted in the street people found to be carrying out such procedures would be reported to the Police for carrying out an illegal activity under the 1952 Hypnotism Act.”

Great Yarmouth Council Said:

“Any person wishing to demonstrate any type of performance of hypnotism would only be permitted to do so within the Great Yarmouth Borough if consent for such a performance has been granted prior to the performance by the Local Authority.  Any such grant of consent would of course be subject to the applicant producing the relevant satisfactory public liability insurance and a satisfactory comment from the police, to whom a copy of the application for consent is sent.”

Gwent Council Said:

“I have not answered each and every question in detail as we are not aware of any instances of such street hypnotism taking place in this County Borough. In the event of this situation arising we would judge each case on its merits and take the appropriate action at that time. It is my understanding however that exhibitions, demonstrations or performances of hypnotism on any person, requires the express written consent of the Licensing Authority under the above 1952 Hypnotism Act.”

Hartlepool Council Said:

“Any application for such a demonstration would be considered on its merits. There is no blanket ban on street demonstrations within this borough but neither has any such permission ever been sought.”

Havant Council Said:

“On the face of it, there is no reason why we would not grant a License for Street Hypnosis under the 1952 Hypnotism Act, but there may also be other considerations if they are on the street such as obstruction of the highway etc.”

Hertsmere Council Said:

“It would be unlikely that we would agree to issue a license for Street Hypnosis”

Lambeth Council Said:

“It is difficult to assess hypothetical situations of people applying for a License under the 1952 Hypnotism Act for Street Hypnosis. However any application would be treated on its own merit, and in line with any published Home Office guidance.”

Lancaster Council Said:

“Any performance of hypnotism that was to be carried out in the Lacaster City Council District, wouuld have to be licensed under the Hypnotism Act 1952.  All applications would be considered by the licensing committee, and all performers would have to provide proof of the appropriate insurance.  Appropriate enforcement action would be taken against anyone who provides any form of public entertainment without fiirst obtaining the correct licence.”

Milton Keynes Council Said:

“The Hypnotism Act 1952 covers demonstrations of hypnotism in premises that are licensed for entertainment under the Licensing Act 2003, in addition to the licence permitting regulated entertainment we would also require an application for a licence under the Hypnotism Act. One of the conditions of the grant of a licence under the Hypnotism Act is that the performer is covered by public liability insurance.  If an application is made to licence a demonstration of hypnotism at a place that is not licensed for regulated entertainment under the licensing Act as per the Hypnotism Act 1952 s2(1)we may authorise the exhibition, demonstration or performance as long as those consulted do not have any objections.

Newham Council Said:

“Newham would not knowingly allow a hypnotist to perform in the street given the risks to persons that could unwittingly be affected by the hypnotist.  There would be no safeguard to prevent someone in the near vicinity to the hypnotist being affected.”

North Kesteven Council Said:

“North Kesteven District Council does not have a formal policy on this.  Each application for authorisation would be considered on its own merits taking account of the guidance contained within the relevant Home Office Circulars.”

Nottingham City Council Said:

“I have just been forwarded your recent email enquiry concerning street hypnotists. I have for the past four years been responsible for busking and street entertainment inNottingham and operate a permit scheme for approved acts only. I have certainly never received a request from a hypnotist to perform in our city centre. I can confirm that my response to such a request would be not to issue a permit as I feel such an act is not suitable street entertainment and should be confined to professional performances to paying customers at an indoor venue. I can also confirm that if a street hypnotist was to appear in the city centre without the required permission he/she would be stopped from performing and moved on by our Community Protection Officers as they are fully aware that unless they have a permit issued by myself they are not allowed to perform. The performer would be advised to contact me to obtain a permit, which in the case of a hypnotist; I can assure you would not be granted.”

Nuneaton & Bedworth Council Said:

“It is not possible to give a definitive response to the question of whether we would grant a license for Street Hypnosis to take place under the 1952 Hypnotism Act  – each application must be considered on its own merits.  However before granting any consent the Council would need to be satisfied that adequate controls are in force to ensure the safety of all those participating in, or watching at a performance.”

Portsmouth Council Said:

“There would be further considerations to take into account if such an application for Street Hypnosis under the 1952 Hypnotism Act was made and we would consider such risks associated with this type of performance.  Without the benefit of further investigation it would not be possible for me to give an indication at this stage as to the likely outcome.”

Preston Council Said:

“In 1994 this Council resolved that applications received pursuant to the above Act for public performances of hypnotism be informed that the Council are not in favour of granting such permissions except in exceptional circumstances.”

Scarborough Council Said:

“Though not aware of any performances of street hypnotism taking place within the borough I can confirm that any exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism on any person requires the express written consent of the Licensing Authority.”

Sedgemoor Council Said:

“The Act does not define what is “any place” beyond it being a place to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise, and therefore it is conceivable that this includes an outdoor place, especially given that under the Licensing Act 2003 ‘any place’ is given a wide meaning.”

South Cambridgeshire Council Said:

“Regarding Street Hypnosis we would consider each request on its merits, however their would be a presumption of refusal unless good reason could be shown to decide otherwise.”

South Ribble Council Said:

“Following the death of an audience member of a Hypnosis Show in a local public house the Council decided to ban all hypnotism (unless for medical purposes) within the borough.”

St. Helens Council Said:

“We have not been approached to date regarding Street Hypnosis but would be unlikely to support such a proposal or application.”

Stevenage Borough Council Said:

“Within the Town Centre area ofStevenage, such performances would not be permitted. In any instance where it is their intention to stand in the street or other similar public place we would not normally grant any such permission as it is unlikely that the person applying would be able to guarantee that their performance would not attract an audience and/or participant that was over 18 years of age.”

Swindon Council Said:

“The partial repeal is rather messy, to say the least. The power to regulate hypnotism on licensed premises, using the public entertainment licence mechanism used to apply to Scotland, England and Wales. The repeal added ‘in Scotland’. Unequivocally, section 1 no longer applies in England and Wales. if you look at section 2 it says “place in relation to which such a licence as is mentioned in section 1 of this Act is not in force”. It may be taken that ‘such a licence’ is a licence issued ‘in Scotland’. Since we are not in Scotland it seems to follow that section 2 applies in England and Wales to all premises everywhere – including premises licensed under the Licensing Act 2003.

Wandsworth Council Said:

“We would not readily grant a hypnotism licence for a performance on the street or other public place but each application would be looked at on its individual merits.”

West Dorset Council Said:

“Each application for permission to carry out hypnotism demonstrations would be carried out on its own merits. We would require the applicant to adhere to the model conditions.  There is no definition of ‘any place’ and it may well therefore include a street.”

Wigan Council Said:

“Response – The Act makes reference to authorisation being required where the exhibition demonstration or performance of hypnotism takes place at or in connection with an entertainment to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise. The wording suggests that it was anticipated that hypnotism displays/performances would take place in a venue that provides entertainment e.g. venues with licences to provide regulated entertainment. It could therefore be argued that the street is not such a venue unless it is an open space that has been licensed for regulated entertainment. However, as the purpose of the Act is to regulate these activities with a view to protecting the public it is suggested that the interpretation of “takes place at or in connection with an entertainment to which the public are admitted, whether on payment or otherwise” can be extended to the street and that a licence is required in respect of hypnotism displays/performances on the street. Any application to hold a hypnotism performance in the street would be treated on its own merits.”

Wrexham Council Said:

“Permission for Hypnosis to take place would only be granted at specific locations which would not include open air or street.”

Westminster Council Said:

After further consideration of the proposals and after considering the interpretation of the 1952 Act Westminster City Council will require any person who wishes to give an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism to any person within the Council’s area other than for premises that hold a licence for entertainment to apply for authorisation to give that exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism under section 2 of the Hypnotism Act 1952 (1952 Act).

Any person that wishes to obtain an authorisation would have to do so in writing. The requirements for such applications are set out in the attached document.

It should be noted that any application under section 2 of the 1952 Act will be subject to this procedure. However, in determining any such applications the Council may remove, amended or attach further conditions that would be appropriate to any authorisation.

Any applications received by Westminster City Council will be considered on their own merits and full consideration will be given to the applicants proposal.

I have notified the person who made the original vague enquiry that my initial response wasn’t correct.

A full detailed response has now been sent to them explaining the Council’s interpretation and process for considering such applications.

With relation to the information you have provided concerning unauthorised street hypnosis within Westminster City Council’s area. I have now passed all of your emails concerning this to our Licensing Inspectorate for their information and action.

They are now aware that there may be people in Westminster carrying out un authorised hypnotism over this bank holiday weekend and they will take the appropriate action if any person is identified committing an offence under the 1952 Act.

I hope this now addresses your concerns and now concludes this matter.

Yours sincerely

Mr Kerry Simpkin
Team Leader – Licensing
General Licensing Team – Community Protection Department
WestminsterCity Council


Dear Mr Smith

Thank you for your enquiry about public performances of hypnotism which I received on 20 April.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) cannot provide legal advice to the public.  Our legal advisors are solely responsible for advising our Ministers.  It would be for you to decide whether you wished to obtain your own independent legal advice on the matters you have raised.

That said, I am happy to provide general advice with regard to the Hypnotism Act 1952 and the Licensing Act 2003.

All public performances of hypnotism (i.e. hypnotism which is NOT carried out strictly for medical or scientific purposes but for the entertainment of an audience) is licensable under the Licensing Act 2003 and a premises licence or temporary event notice is required by law to cover such entertainment regardless of whether they take place indoors or outdoors (The 2003 Act does not define “any place” beyond it being a place to which the public are admitted).

The 2003 Act has delegated responsibility for administering and enforcing the new licensing regime to individual licensing authorities and I am therefore unable to offer specific advice on the cases you have referred to.

The Hypnotism Act 1952 was amended by the 2003 Act (Licensing Act 2003, Schedule 6, Minor and Consequential Amendments). Section 27 (c) (3A) states that “a function conferred by this section on a licensing authority, is, for the purposes of section 7 of the Licensing Act 2003 (exercise and delegation by licensing authority of licensing functions) to be treated as a licensing function within the meaning of that Act”.

Fourteen years ago, a review was carried out of the Hypnotism Act 1952 to see if any harm could be posed to members of the public from performances of stage hypnotism.  All those of a known interest were consulted.  The expert panel concluded that there was no evidence of serious harm to participants in hypnotism exhibitions and that any risk was small.  They nevertheless felt that the application of conditions to performances was necessary to ensure physical safety and to regulate hypnotic procedures.  Home Office circular 39/1996 set out revised model conditions, one of which stated that any stage performance of hypnotism should be covered to a reasonable level by public liability insurance and that hypnotists should provide evidence of this to the local authority if requested and have it available for inspection at the performance.

It is for local licensing authorities to decide how and to what extent they use this guidance and what conditions they may wish to impose, taking account of local conditions and concerns.  However, public safety is one of the four licensing objectives of the 2003 Act and I do not think the licensing authority would wish to compromise on a matter of this importance.  Under the 2003 Act, the licensing authority can attach whatever conditions they feel are appropriate for ensuring the licensing objectives, but only after any relevant representations have been received from responsible authorities such as the police, or interested parties such as local residents, and a hearing has been carried out.

I hope this is helpful.

Yours sincerely

Ronnie Bridgett
Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
Public Engagement and Recognition Unit (PERU)
Department for Culture, Media and Sport

NOTE = The Two Key Phrases are “All public performances of hypnotism” (therefore that includes Street Hypnosis) and also “is required by law to cover such entertainment regardless of whether they take place indoors or outdoors” (again that means it covers Street Hypnosis outdoors as well as impromptu hypnosis done in licensed premises and other places of an entertainment nature”


Dear Mr Smith

Further to my email of 21 April, I wish to apologise for an error in my reply.

I can confirm that the powers for controlling performances of hypnotism in England and Wales, although delegated to the same licensing authority that deals with the Licensing Act 2003, come under the Hypnotism Act 1952.

I am sorry if my original email caused you some confusion.

Best wishes –

Ronnie Bridgett
Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
Public Engagement and Recognition Unit (PERU)
Department for Culture, Media and Sport


“I would expect the 1952 Hypnotism Act and the Model Conditions to apply to streets. Streets and public outdoor spaces can be licensed for performance.”


Who needs a Risk Assessment Document? 

It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT in the United Kingdom that – 

-All employers and self employed people have to assess risks at work.

-Employers with five or more employees should have a written health and safety policy.

-Employers with five or more employees have to record the significant findings of their risk assessment.*

-The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as is ‘reasonably practicable’.

*It is my own experience that Health & Safety Law does not differentiate between paid workers (i.e. employees) and unpaid workers (such as charity volunteers).

As such it is my personal recommendation that any hypnotist working with 5 or more volunteers (or in the case of group therapy – 5 or more clients) conducts a full and proper Risk Assessment, and records those findings.

Putting aside all the legal arguments, it is good practise, and extremely beneficial to all concerned, that a Risk Assessment is carried out and kept by all performers, therapists etc. no matter how many other people are involved in their activities.

(Such could be used as defence materials if anyone was ever to attempt to instigate a Court Action against you under Duty of Care or Negligence Laws)

In relation to Street Hypnosis, if you were in the course of your day likely to

Encounter five people or more to be involved in your activities then, then my considered opinion is, that in law a Risk Assessment would most likely be deemed a Legal Requirement.


A large majority of UK Councils will only issue a License for Hypnosis to take place when a satisfactory written Risk Assessment has been submitted to them with the application for the license.

Also some insurance policies (Certainly the one I negotiated which covers both Stage & Street Hypnosis at both indoor and out door locations anywhere inUKandEurope) require a Risk Assessment to be in place in order for a successful claim to be made on the policy should that unfortunate need ever arise for the Hypnotist.

There’s way more information and facts about why you would be a fool (and most likely breaking the law) if you do not have a proper Risk Assessment in place, together with exact step by step instructions and examples of how to create a Legally acceptable one for both Stage and Street Hypnosis on “The Transparency Template” training DVD’s.


Given that we have now established that a License to perform under the 1952 Hypnotism Act is indeed needed from each Local Authority for each Hypnotist carrying out those activities in their area, it should be noted that No U.K council will ever issue such a License without first having site of a current valid Public Liability Insurance Policy which clearly states in the Policy wording that it covers the Hypnotist in question for the activities that are going to take place under the 1952 Hypnotism Act.


So with regards to the 1952 Hypnotism – 

And also the 1989 Government Guidelines, 1995 Home Office Review of Hypnosis, 1996 Updated Model Conditions, The Licensing Act 2003 and various other Laws and Guidelines etc that do indeed apply to Street Hypnotists in England you’d be well advised to take a look at “The Transparency Template” Home Study DVD Course..

It also covers absolutely EVERYTHING you’ll ever need to know about Laws all over the World relating to Hypnosis, Insurance Matters, Health and Safety Matters and Risk Assessments and much more….

See the Promo Video at – 

Transparency Template is the Ultimate Home Study Training DVD package for Hypnotist’s – Magician’s and Mentalists wishing to learn 100% Legal, Lawful and Safe Hypnotism.

Presented by Dr. Jonathan Royle – Chris Lee – Robert Temple – Stuart Cassels and Nick Davies this amazing set contains over 16 Hours of Video, Over 8 Hours of Audio and numerous books, courses and training resources

Order now by sending £79-95 to or contacting me at .

For Over 5+ Hrs of 100% FREE Hypnosis and NLP Training Videos register FREE now at —


The transparency template is a modern encyclopaedia of Stage Hypnosis on DVD. With more information than you will ever be able to use it covers the subject in depth.    Jammed with inductions, suggestibility tests and just about every aspect of performing stage hypnosis you could think of. It also has well researched sections that cover the legal, health and safety aspects something that every hypnotist should know about before stepping on to the stage. I recommend it for that alone.
From: Brian Halliday aka Mindpunisher & Shrink (on Magiccafe Forum)

Jonathan Royle / Alex presents his material very candidly! I appreciate that! I have purchased a number of his training items (living in the States, live-training is a far-reach option for me) and I love each of them. Each item has over-delivered. Being a clinically certified hypnotherapist and a certified stage hypnotist for 6 years, in addition to my initial training, I have taken many additional training courses. Jonathan’s training materials have taught me many items, techniques, insights, perspectives that I never learned in my initial live training courses! Most recently, I purchased the Transparency Template – LOVE IT. Great work, Jonathan, thank you. I’m constantly going back to it, it is beyond just training, it is a resource. The Health & Safety training it contains is worth many times the tiny investment alone! Additionally, Jonathan has extended himself for consult, even simple questions, regarding anything hypnosis, hypnotherapy, NLP, Complete Mind Therapy, stage hypnosis, etc. He’s a personal person – the hypnotist’s hypnotist. Thanks, very much, Jonathan! Matthew Fallon – (USA) –


Order now by sending £79-95 to or contacting Russell J Hall at Magick via 


Dr. Jonathan Royle is a controversial character in the world ofhypnosis, perhaps better known for his shameless self-promotion, murky, chequered past and public arguments with various other hypnotists.

On his latest DVD set, he is loud and swears too much for my liking.  He’s arrogant and opinionated and obviously has an over-inflated ego. So why is it that I actually find him likable and funny while watching ”Transparency Template – The revolutionary Guide for Hypnotists?”

I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I really like this DVD set and you probably will too.

This is very detailed and comprehensive home study course covering all of the important stuff you simply need to know if you’re even considering setting foot on stage, street or anywhere and calling yourself a hypnotist.

He dispenses with a lot of the usual theory behind hypnosis but in its place he spends an extraordinary amount of time discussing the legal, licensing and insurance issues which are always such a hot topic in the UK.

However, the advice and guidelines are presented in such a way as to make perfect sense, relevant to any hypnotist anywhere in the world.

I was expecting him to air a couple of “personal beefs” during his presentation and was even prepared for them to leave a nasty taste in my mouth, but I have to say for the relatively short space of time he spends on this (a couple of minutes at most) what comes across first and foremost is his genuine concern for the art. And you really can’t knock him for that.

If you look hard, you will find inevitable contradictions throughout the course, but Jonathan happily admits up front: Hypnosis is full of paradoxes.

Attention to safety for me is a win-win situation. While clients, audiences and volunteers might not always outwardly thank you for it, if it permeates what you do it shows a professional and caring nature behind all the laughter and crazy antics and helps get you booked and re-booked.

Furthermore, fellow professionals really appreciate it too. During this course, the safety aspects are covered with fine, almost paranoid attention to detail and I applaud Jonathan Royle for this.

One thing that really stands out is that he doesn’t ignore any of the problems and dangers a hypnotist is likely to face.

He doesn’t even just give them an honorary mention. He faces them head on and discusses them in the manner of one who has been there, done that and worn the t-shirt and implores you to learn from his own stuff-ups.

“Common sense” is mentioned frequently in relation to safety and most of it is, but a lot of what’s taught here should be mandatory for any hypnotist whether you’re just starting out or are experienced and guilty of having become a little complacent.

There are more inductions than any hypnotist would ever need and each is covered with the same attention to detail. Something of a bonus here for me is when the new “Bad Boy” of UK Hypnosis Rob Temple steps up to show his ingenious See-saw Induction. His demo leaves me itching to perform it myself.

Rather than just act as superfluous credits on the cover, Rob and other guests are utilised perfectly throughout the course and each is a great presenter and speaker in his own right, demonstrating the same enthusiasm for their chosen artform as the man himself.

To say much more would probably be classed as a spoiler, but I have to just add that the bonus DVD (regularly referred to during the main presentation) in my opinion is worth the price of this set all on its own.

If I have anything negative to say, apart from the fact that the bad language might not be to everyone’s taste it would only be that like most DVDs in this field, production values and quality are a little lacking, but that can be easily forgiven for the quantity and quality of content on offer here.

A full transcript would also have been a welcome addition for those who have difficulty with Northern English accents or of different learning styles, but these really are very minor niggles making an otherwise 5 star review a 4.9!

Whatever you might think of self-professed “King of Hypnotists”

Jonathan Royle, that’s unlikely to change very much, but if you are too stubborn to put any preconceptions aside to buy and watch this DVD set, then you’re really missing out on an excellent hypnosis training product.

I’m really happy to have this as part of my hypnosis collection and have little doubt that if this is your first purchase in this field, you’ll probably have little need for very much else.

Reg Blackwood, New Zealand, 


The Promo Video – 

Transparency Template is the Ultimate Home Study Training DVD package for Hypnotist’s – Magician’s and Mentalists wishing to learn 100% Legal, Lawful and Safe Hypnotism.

Presented by Dr. Jonathan Royle – Chris Lee – Robert Temple – Stuart Cassels and Nick Davies this amazing set contains over 16 Hours of Video, Over 8 Hours of Audio and numerous books, courses and training resources.

Order now by sending £79-95 to or contacting me at

For Over 5+ Hrs of 100% FREE Hypnosis and NLP Training Videos register FREE now at —