AUTHORS WANTED – Magic, Mentalism and Hypnosis AUTHORS WANTED – Submit A Chapter and Become A Published Author. Magician, Hypnotist and Mentalist Jonathan Royle Will Help Your Talents Become Known Worldwide!

AUTHORS WANTED – Magic Mentalism & Hypnosis AUTHORS WANTED – Submit A Chapter & Be A Published Author

Read On to discover How You Could Perhaps Become Internationally Famous, drive tons more people to your websites, add hot new leads to your mailing lists and even sell loads of your Products, Courses and Services, whilst also gaining the Prestige of becoming an Internationally Published Author and consequently becoming regarded as a True Expert in Magic, Mentalism or Hypnosis at absolutely no financial cost to yourself.

The idea is for you to submit a chapter, simply write up some things, knowledge, ideas, advice that you have had and developed that you feel may well be of great worth to other Magicians, Hypnotists or Mentalists and Psychic Entertainers to up their game.


There would be no payment made to you for your submissions and indeed there will be no payments expected from you either, I personally am going to absorb the entire cost of bringing these books to Market.

The books will all be non profit, print on demand through Amazon and available to order from all bookstores worldwide as real Professionally Printed and Bound Paperback Books which will all be published in Large Encyclopedic Almost A4 Size

(approx 8.267 by 11.692 inches which is roughly 21cm by 29.7cm).

However your name, website, contact details, short biog and blurb to push any products, trainings or services you may have to sell would appear at start of the chapter you write.

As the books will be non profit, it means a large format A4 book of 550 odd pages could be on sale for as little as twenty dollars ($27) which is approx Seventeen Pounds Ninety Pence (£17.90p) thus meaning it should very quickly become the most in demand and talked about books in their niche on sale.

That means your name gets out there to more people and ultimately you are more likely to sell more products, courses and services and/or be asked to do speaking engagements at events.

If you have an idea for a chapter for either book that you would like to submit then inbox me on Facebook via or even better email me directly on

Every authors name will also be promoted in all adverts, publicity and press releases.

So who wants to be part of this exciting project?


01) Please type your chapter up in Microsoft Word, if you do not have Microsoft Word then please go to and get the Free Open Source Software and then use the Free Openoffice.Org Writer Software and SAVE the Document as a Word Document in Word 97 Format.

02) If possible please type everything in Single Spaced format, using 16 Point Easy to read Text and with Margins of 2.5cm all around the page Using Times New Roman as the Font. This is not vital as I can alter documents and edit them when sent through to me, however it would make life so much easier.

03) Be sure to give your chapter a relevant title name, and start it by having a heading (underlined) that states your Name and Title and then under this gives a brief biography of your background in the relevant area and then also mentions your website address, any contact details which you wish to have published to the public and brief mention of the kinds of Products, Services and Courses you run.

04) If you have a website where they can sign up to a newsletter (thus being added to your mailing list and marketing funnel) then be sure to mention that also, same applies to any Free Gifts they could sign up to get, thus entering your marketing funnel.

05) REMEMBER – As each of these books is intended to be around the 500+ Large A4 format pages there is no restriction on the length of your chapter/s – yes indeed if you’d like to submit more than one chapter for inclusion in the same book that also is acceptable.

NOTE = ALL SUBMISSIONS Will Be Published, even if it means me having to hold back some submissions until the next edition is published. Remember its my aim and ambition for a new edition of each of the 3 Books to be published every 3 months or thereabouts.

06) Please also as well as sending me your completed chapter/s documents to my direct email of ALSO SEND me a Photograph of yourself (Head and Shoulders Ideally) which is at least 300 DPI as it is my intention to get my graphic designer to use these COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS to make a montage of every contributors Face on the Cover of the Book, thus people can see exactly what you look like as well.

07) Confirm in an email with your attached document and photo, that the work is of your own creation and writing and that by submitting you are giving legal permission for the work to be published as part of these compilations.


01) In order to increase your exposure, the Kindle Edition will be Priced at the lowest price they allow and also as often as Amazon Kindle Terms Allow offered for Free.

02) All Contributors will be sent a PDF E-Book Version of the book BEFORE it goes on Actual sale, and all authors will be encouraged to give this away for FREE to all of their lists and contacts and in turn you should then encourage those who get the Ebook to leave a Review on the Amazon page for the product and also to click “Like” on that page so that it seriously helps the books rankings and thus leads to increased demand and sales and ultimately more exposure for us all.

03) I am confident that most all people who get the Free Ebook Edition, will go on to buy the Paperback Edition as it will be priced such that its cheaper than the ink and paper they would use to print it out and also due to its Encyclopedic Nature the real Paperback Editions will look awesome on their book shelves.

04) When  published a webpage promoting the books will be published.


Submit Your Chapters as follows:

MAGIC CHAPTERS = Send in an email headed “Magic Book Chapter” to

HYPNOSIS CHAPTERS = Send in an email headed “Hypnosis Book Chapter” to

MENTALISM CHAPTERS = Send in an email headed “Mentalism Book Chapter” to

IMPORTANT NOTES = Please submit all chapters in Microsoft Word Format using Times New Roman Font and 16 Point Text with Single Spacing.

Also be sure to include a High Res Head and Shoulders Photo that can be used on websites and on the books cover.

Any images must be in BLACK & WHITE and inserted in correct place in the word document BUT ALSO supplied as separate images AS WELL to make life easier for our editor.

The Email you send the attachments with must also state something such as:

“I confirm that I hold all necessary legal copyrights on the attached work and confirm that it is of my own creation and that I give Alex William Smith aka Jonathan Royle Full Legal Permission to Publish this in one of his forthcoming Compilation Books as detailed in the you-tube video about this project”

PLEASE Remember to start each of your Chapter/s Submissions with a short biog of your notable achievements and history etc which also points people to your website and other products etc, so people get to know a little about you, then follow this with some KILLER CONTENT (The More The Better) and end off with reminding them of your website where they can sign up to your newsletter and mailing list and also explore further products you have available.

FINAL NOTE = You are welcome to Submit something that is new and unique or indeed something that is extracted from one of the existing works you may already sell and have on file. But PLEASE tell us when submitting if this is a BRAND NEW ITEM and to be seen in this publication first, or if its extracted from a previous work and if so the name of which work it is from so that we may mention such in all advertising.

OUR MOST RECENT PROJECT = Finally take a look at this link which follows and you’ll see the cover design for our latest project (released day before this video was uploaded) and will also notice that ALL AUTHORS names are listed at top of the page.. 

The final Projects (we are aiming for them all to be around 500 Large A4 Pages Each) will be released in Paperback Format which will be available to order from all Bookstores Worldwide, and also in Amazon Kindle Format and in normal PDF Ebook Format.

All who contribute will get sent a copy of the PDF EBOOK and be encouraged to Give it away Free to everyone they know, as the more people who see it, the more people who will then visit all of the contributing authors websites and thus sign up to their newsletters and mailing lists and most likely buy other products from you, which is where you then make money from this “Non Profit Style” Project.

So come on Submit Your Chapters Today and become a part of Magical, Hypnosis and/or Mentalism History.

Email Your Document and Photo as per above details to –