THE TRUTH ABOUT JONATHAN ROYLE – What His Past Students Have to Say.

After attending one of the days of my Recent (July 2015) London “Hypnotism Exposed” Seminar Sky Television’s “Fat Families” presenter Steve Miller had this to say:

Steve Miller Clinical Hypnotherapist

Steve Miller Clinical Hypnotherapist

Can Clinical Hypnotherapists Learn From Stage Hypnotists? by Steve Miller.

As a Clinical Practitioner I have always been fascinated by stage hypnotists. Stage is something I would personally never do, however with an open mind and an open heart I set out recently on a journey to understand whether Clinical Hypnotherapists could benefit from listening to the strategies employed by stage hypnotists.

I came across a guy called Jonathan Royle AKA Alex William Smith who I perceived as a radical experienced stage hypnotist but someone who also treats clinical conditions.

Having made contact some time ago I found him straight talking (my preference) and incredibly knowledgeable. Having posed my question to Mr Royle he kindly invited me to sit in one of his training programmes which I did yesterday.

I attended with an open mind and throughout the day listened carefully to his view that hypnosis does not really exist and was nothing more than a ritualistic process.

Indeed I was intrigued to know more and as he continued with what can only be described as an incredible knowledge of hypnosis, my mind opened to his standpoint.

As the day continued he demonstrated his talent for both stage and clinical hypnosis, demonstrating showmanship and rapid induction techniques.

His view that success comes from the practitioner’s own confidence and self belief is something I share. What also struck me was his passion for ethics and care of the client, as well as health and safety in the consulting room.

The day was delivered in a forthright manner and I drew the conclusion that perhaps the day has arrived for clinical schools to open their doors to teaching advanced showmanship and persona management for Hypnotherapists.

As for the question whether or not hypnosis really truly exists, the jury is still out. One thing for sure however is that we should perhaps listen a little more and have an open mind so that we all learn from each other.

And now follows some comments from some of the other people who were at the same event that Steve Miller attended in London…

Val Singh Said:

Stuart “Harrizon” Cassels Said…

Ryan “Riot” Robertson Said…

Phil Allen Said…

Nigel Lee Said…

Martin Balaam Said…

Mark Gosbee Said…

Love Orterstrom Said…

Lakhbir Sangha Said…

Graham Webber Said…

Christopher Lord Said…

Chris Ingram Said…

Betty Allen Said…

Andrew Stein Said…

Andi Robertson Said…

And here Are Some Past Students from my California (USA) Event…

Some Students from Events in Bristol and London (UK)

Students from my Las Vegas (USA) Event…

A student from the Hypnotist Entertainment Cruise (Florida/Bahamas) 2013…

A disabled Man’s view of Royle from Owen McGough Magician/Mentalist

Comments from Manchester “Mind Miracles” Magic & Mentalism Students

And the Last Word goes to this Dummy…

And then to see literally 100’s & 100’s more Positive Comments and reviews of Royle’s Hypnosis and NLP Trainings & Talents and also of his Magical and Mentalism Products and Trainings and Talents check out the “Training Courses” page at his site of: and also check out the “Magical Lectures” Page at:

And Also check all of these out as well….

What The Experts Say – Click Here

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Dr. Jonathan Royle - Successful Hypnotist

Dr. Jonathan Royle – Successful Hypnotist