Hypno-Dog Princess Hypnotizes or Hypnotises Simon Cowell on Britain’s Got Talent 2015, Did Krystyna Lennon & her Hypnotist Dog, the Niece of Hugh Lennon who originated the Hypno- Dog Act in England with Oscar Actually Hypnotise Simon Cowell?


“You’re Back In The Room” THAT IS FOR SURE.

Look Into My Eyes Hypno-Dog

Look Into My Eyes Hypno-Dog

On the 1st February 2015 it was reported by British National Newspapers and then by Media all over the world that Simon Cowell had been Hypnotised by a Dog during the
Manchester Auditions for Britain’s Got Talent 2015.

Apparently Comedy Stage Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist Krystyna Lennon from Leeds appeared on the auditions with her Black German Spitz Dog named Princess and when Simon Cowell stared into the doggies eyes it is reported that he “collapsed” and “Felt Funny”.

Hosts Ant and Dec also found themselves forgetting the number seven as they counted to ten together shortly after looking into the dog’s eyes. as these few example articles show.

Hypno-Dog Princess and Krystyna Lennon

Hypno-Dog Princess and Krystyna Lennon



So the big question is whether or not Simon was Hypnotised by the Dog?

Well in truth it was most likely just a wonderful Publicity Stunt engineered on Simon
Cowells part to promote the show, something he no doubt discussed with his best
friend for whom he is soon to act as Best man World Famous Hypnotist Paul McKenna.

However YES it is possible for a Dog to Hypnotize somebody so long as the person who
is going to stare at the dog BELIEVES that such is possible and EXPECTS it to occur.

One thing is for sure, when performing in the normal venues that they do on a regular basis, Krystyna Lennon and Hypno-Dog do not have the pleasure of having people audition to take part and then having them come back for “Call Backs” (a second audition) before deciding who to use in their Stage Performances and thus seeing them (OR ANY COMEDY STAGE HYPNOTIST) Live and In person will always without doubt be 100%
more credible and believable than the recent ITV Hypnosis Game Show “You’re Back In The Room” of which I Discuss THE REAL TRUTH about that travesty of a show here:


Simon Cowell and Hypnodog

Simon Cowell and Hypnodog

But by the same token if somebody BELIEVED that staring at a Ventriloquists Dummy
would put them into a Hypnotic Trance State and to “Sleep” then if they Believed this
was possible and EXPECTED it to occur and take place then indeed most likely it would.

And also by the same token if somebody BELIEVED that staring at a young Baby
would put them into a Hypnotic Trance State and to “Sleep” then if they Believed this
was possible and EXPECTED it to occur and take place then indeed most likely it would.

You see, in truth HYPNOSIS AS SUCH DOES NOT EXIST, by that I mean there is no
Such Thing as Hypnosis, There is only SUGGESTION.

And so if the Suggestion of something occurring is BELIEVED and EXPECTED to occur
Enough then most often it will.

And that is why it is true to say that Hypnosis Exists Only in the Mind of the Believer.

So if you want to learn how to make it look like your Dog or Cat or other pet has the
ability to Hypnotise or Hypnotize people then you may wish to take a closer look at one of my unique and unrivaled home study Hypnosis courses –
Hypno Dog Hypnotising People

Hypno Dog Hypnotising People

Or even better come spend 3 Days Live In Person with me in London (England) at
Start of July 2015 and learn all of the True Inside Secrets of the Worlds Greatest Stage
Hypnotists and also Hypnotherapists including exactly how to duplicate the Hypno-Dog
Phenomenon as per http://www.hypnotismexposed.com

On a side note some people sometimes seem to become “Hypnotized with Fear” if they
are scared of a dog and see one, but that is the FREEZE component of the human body’s
natural Fight or Flight Response and does not have anything to do with so called real
hypnosis other than the fact it is an inbuilt CONDITIONED RESPONSE.

A similar thing occurs with Animals when they are scared or when they are put into certain
physical positions which is where the videos on You-Tube of people apparently Hypnotising
Chickens and rabbits and such like come from.

In truth that is a natural Physiological Response in the animal, is not really Hypnosis (although it can and often does look like it) and in truth is called Catatonic Immobility 
of which this is an excellent little ebook teaching the subject and showing you how to
apparently place every kind of animal you could possibly think of into Hypnosis https://sellfy.com/p/m04R/

Hypnotist Hugh Lennon and Oscar the Hypnodog

Hypnotist Hugh Lennon and Oscar the Hypnodog

Pictured above is Krystyna Lennon’s Uncle, the now retired Hypnotist Hugh Lennon
who started the Hypno-Dog act in England with Oscar the dog, I am proud to say that
in the past I have advised Hugh in relation to the legalities of his show and have enjoyed
seeing his world class performances on several occasions.

For more in-depth information on HOW AND WHY IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A DOG TO
HYPNOTISE PEOPLE contact me for Media Interviews, Comments and Live
Demonstrations and Teaching via http://www.magicalguru.com