Hypnotist Hopes Fake Sheikh Nightmare Will End Soon – (How Convicted Journalist Mazher Mahmood’s Dishonesty Ruined Celebrity Mind Therapists Life)


Controversial Stage Svengali & Celebrity Mind Therapy Consultant Jonathan Royle has today spoken of the “Living Nightmare” that he has been subjected to for over 18 years
since the now Convicted Journalist Mazher Mahmood aka “The Fake Sheikh” published
a largely fabricated story about him in the now defunct News of the World newspaper.

Royle, aged 41 of Rochdale, Greater Manchester, who was born Alex William Smith whilst
his parents were travelling on Gandey’s Circus has always maintained his innocence and
complete lack of any Criminal intent during the slightly backfired Publicity Stunt he was involved in back in 1998, during which his sole intention was to expose the often dodgy & dishonest journalistic techniques of The infamous “Fake Sheikh” Mazher Mahmood.

Award Winning Hypnotist Jonathan Royle

Award Winning Hypnotist Jonathan Royle

This was accepted and acknowledged in Court as Fact by The Police, Crown Prosecution Service and the Judge in the Manchester Crown Court Case which ultimately led to Royle (aka Alex Smith) entering a late plea of guilty as he was advised at the last moment, that he was not going to be afforded the same “Journalistic License” for his activities in the attempted expose of Mahmoods Techniques as would be afforded to Mahmood himself and thus help protect the “Fake Sheikh” from Prosecution for many years.

As was accepted and acknowledged in Court, Royle always knew who he was dealing with and knew that the Counterfeit Coins that he delivered to Mahmood would never enter
into public circulation, but rather would be handed to the Police by Mahmood and ultimately
Royle would then be able to help the Police investigate those who supplied the Coins.

Unfortunately due to not being afforded the same “Journalistic License” as was given to
Mahmood, despite all parties confirming and stating in court that “this was not a normal case” and that it was “all a publicity stunt” that had got a little out of hand, Royle was
given a Six Month Custodial Prison Sentence.


*He Knew That The Fakes WOULD NOT be circulated Publicly.

*His meetings with the reporters were a PUBLICITY STUNT.

*Judge David Owen Said “I Limit This Sentence because IT IS NOT AN ORDINARY CASE”

*It was a PUBLICITY STUNT to gain media recognition which had backfired.

*Anthony Morris defending said “One of the men he dealt with was Smiths former Publicity Agent, they had been concerned together in earlier SCAMS aimed at getting Smith Publicity, and he knew whatever he said or did would get newspaper exposure!”

*He Has done many outlandish things TO GAIN PUBLICITY

*Smith Knew the Fake Coins WOULD NOT be circulated Publically in what was a ONE OFF offence by a Man of Good character.


*In the actual Court Case, the Judge, Crown Prosecution Service and also the Police ALL CONFIRMED IN COURT that having seen all the evidence that they 100% KNEW that it was all a PUBLICITY STUNT & MEDIA STING engineered BY ME to help gain Publicity for myself and also TO EXPOSE DODGY JOURNALISTS AND JOURNALISM.

Hypnotist is to Appeal Mazher Mahmood "Fake Sheikh" Conviction

Hypnotist is to Appeal Mazher Mahmood “Fake Sheikh” Conviction

Royle aka Alex William Smith is one of Six People including Former Grange Hill and Londons Burning Actor John Alford and Boxer Herbie Hides who are now being Represented by Siobhain Egan of Lewis Nedas Law and  have currently got their
Appeals against their Convictions lodged with The Criminal Cases Review Commission

With My Good Friend John Alford

Royle With His Good Friend John Alford

Royle has also appointed Lawyer Mark Lewis of Seddons to deal with the Civil
Claims part of proceedings in the quest to clear his name once and for all.

Today When Interviewed Royle Said:

“For far too long the dishonest journalist and so called King of The Sting Mazher
Mahmood has hidden behind Journalistic Privilege and has consequently been able to
entice & manipulate people into doing things they would never normally dream of doing, whilst on other occasions blatantly distorting things and even manipulating evidence
and perceived reality to suit his own ends”

Royle Continued:

“I have for over 18 years been fighting to make the truth about Mahmood and his
techniques known and have hoped, that by so doing it would at some point help
the likes of Herbie Hides, my friend John Alford and others to get their convictions overturned”

“The past 18 years has at times been a living hell for me (and no doubt many of
Mahmoods other victims) as myself, my family and also my friends have on many
occasions been subjected to abuse and bullying based on peoples incorrect
perceptions of me as some kind of criminal mastermind”

Mazher Mahmood aka The Fake Shiekh -

Mazher Mahmood aka The Fake Shiekh –

“The simple fact is that I was never ever charged in any manner for any of the
outrageous and truly shocking allegations made in Mahmoods News of the World Article about me, except for delivering some fake pound coins to him, for which, it was even accepted in court I had done with zero criminal intent attached and for which I was only ever charged as I was not afforded the same “Journalistic License” as Mahmood”

“Having been at the Old Bailey on Wednesday 5th October 2016 and witnessed
the jury of 6 men and 6 women unanimously reach a verdict of GUILTY against
Mazher Mahmood and his driver Alan Smith for Conspiracy to Pervert The Course
of Justice, it is now my sincere hope that all of Mahmoods Victims can get their
convictions overturned, get their names cleared and start afresh without being
the target of abuse, harassment or prejudice the likes of which I have had to endure
on regular occasions during the past 18 years”

Royle Concluded by Saying:

“Thank God that I am a trained Hypnotherapist and have been able to use my skills
in order to help me stay mentally strong, some others I have encountered who have been targeted by Mahmood have unfortunately not been so lucky and where possible I have
been glad to offer them my services to help them regain some sense of positivity in life,
but now Mahmood has been found Guilty I hope that will be the Catalyst of Hope and
the start of the light at the end of the tunnel getting much brighter for all of Mahmoods
innocent victims”

Dr. Jonathan Royle - Hypnotist - Circa 1990

Dr. Jonathan Royle – Hypnotist – Circa 1990


For more details about Royle’s encounter with Mazher Mahmood which resulted in
him unfairly having to spend time in Manchester’s Notorious Strangeways Prison and
for background on his time spent as a media prankster please check out the facts
and evidence at the following link:


Discover More About Jonathan Royle at www.magicalguru.com


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#AlanSmith #JohnAlford #HerbieHides #AlexSmith #JonathanRoyle #NewsoftheWorld
#SunonSunday #Journalist #News #PressRelease #NewsRelease #NewsWire